Looking for work in Newport in 1972 led to…
a job polishing in a silver plating shop which led to…
learning how to repair silver hollowware which led to…
gaining a love of the craft which led to…
a decision to make the craft my life which led to…
learning lost wax casting which led to…
a low cost way to make my designs which led to…
creating a line of jewelry and buckles which led to…
selling them to stores which led to…
selling and designing for Cartier in NYC which led to…
meeting the owner of Trafalgar Ltd which led to…
a salaried job designing for Trafalgar which led to…
enough money to buy a new house which led to…
a new workshop which led to…
a mail order business in the house which led to…
successful ads in New Yorker which led to…
growing demand for our designs which led to…
an bigger workshop out of the house which led to…
a full time staff and a retail store in Newport, RI.
More to come. What's next?
a job polishing in a silver plating shop which led to…
learning how to repair silver hollowware which led to…
gaining a love of the craft which led to…
a decision to make the craft my life which led to…
learning lost wax casting which led to…
a low cost way to make my designs which led to…
creating a line of jewelry and buckles which led to…
selling them to stores which led to…
selling and designing for Cartier in NYC which led to…
meeting the owner of Trafalgar Ltd which led to…
a salaried job designing for Trafalgar which led to…
enough money to buy a new house which led to…
a new workshop which led to…
a mail order business in the house which led to…
successful ads in New Yorker which led to…
growing demand for our designs which led to…
an bigger workshop out of the house which led to…
a full time staff and a retail store in Newport, RI.
More to come. What's next?